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Interview: Nespoon

Interview: Nespoon

Talking about positive art

SAM Magazine


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taged with Rebobinart

Collective Art Transforms the Tres Xemeneies in Barcelona

Collective Art Transforms the Tres Xemeneies in Barcelona November 28th, 2024

On November 24th, the Tres Xemeneies park in Barcelona became a stage for protest thanks to the celebration of the Feminist JAM, an action driven by Rebobinart within the Womart project.

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Mur0ne ART AL TRAM in Barcelona

Mur0ne ART AL TRAM in Barcelona April 1st, 2020

Rebobinart, together with TRAM, started the Art project at TRAM. The figurative artistic intervention of Murone, composed of vivid colors, represents the multiculturalism and diversity of tram users.

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Yoseba MP paints large mural in Barcelona

Yoseba MP paints large mural in Barcelona February 21st, 2020

The artist Yoseba MP has performed a large artistic mural on the Plaza de Guernica in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona).

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Santiago Jaén paints first mural in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

Santiago Jaén paints first mural in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat December 31st, 2019

This December the urban artist Santiago Jaén has painted a mural in the facade of the school Joaquim Ruyra in Florida’s neighbourhood (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona).

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Elisa Capdevila paints community mural in Barcelona

Elisa Capdevila paints community mural in Barcelona December 27th, 2019

Elisa Capdevila has painted a community mural in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat Barcelona. The project, framed within the Pla Integral Les Planes – Blocs la Florida, is part of the council’s initiative and Rebobinart has been the responsible for its production.

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PichiAvo paint a 125m2 mural of Athena in Barcelona

PichiAvo paint a 125m2 mural of Athena in Barcelona July 19th, 2019

In their first art intervention in the city of Barcelona, PichiAvo has painted a mural in the facade of the student residence Livensa Living Diagonal Alto of Temprano Capital Partners, designed by the Portuguese architect José Quintela da Fonseca.

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WOMART – women in Art

WOMART – women in Art May 25th, 2018

WOMART, a project created by Rebobinart that aims to recognise female artists, has kicked off with 10 art interventions in 10 Catalan cities. The artworks were created by 10 female artists that stand out by the excellent quality of their works.

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Urban Art for the Arctic

Urban Art for the Arctic May 9th, 2016

On 9 April Greenpeace and Rebobinart joined forces for the action “Save the Arctic”. Climate change, destructive fishing practices and oil industry are jeopardizing the Arctic ecosystem.

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44309 Street//Art Gallery, Dortmund

Interview: Nespoon

Interview: Nespoon

Talking about positive art.

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Nychos The Weird / Urban Spree 2014

A personal journey through the changes of street art in Berlin / by dAzErO

Street Art Vehicles Collection

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