You may consider a modest donation — however much you can afford, when it comes from the heart, it’s the kind of gesture that makes us warm with appreciation.
Awer’s 3D mural for urban forms festival in Lodz ,Poland depicts what happens in our brain when we are happy! ”Anatomy of having fun” is a mind blower.
Mark Jenkins creates and installs his art in the streets of Polish city, Lodz. The American artist, born in Virginia, and known for using trash to create his art, gave a good scare to by passers with his realistic installations.
The Urban Forms Foundation and the Museum of Łódź invited Ivan Ninety and Johannes Mundinger to create this big and great wall in Poland. “Still Life with Adler” is a mural honoring the the artist/teacher Jankel Adler.
Magdalena Lazur from sent this great article about Daniel Rycharski The influences of street art is making a change that people in cities and villages look to public art nowadays.
The human-size mural is a freestyle painting, which composition is based on the repetitive rhythm of elements in the white boxes. These elements viewed from left to right produce the illusion of a slowly growing movement of the subject, similarly as for the single film frames or a slow motion footage.
A new step for Opiemme “Vortex” series, inspired this time by Taurus constellation, the zodiac sign of the most famous Lodz architect Hilary Majewski (15 May 1838), who lived nearby the location.
MONSTFUR – OUR RUST is an example of a mural which develops the main topic of Monstfur creation – namely the passing of matter. In this case, by scaling the concrete slabs artists create a “monument” for the fallen industry in Czestochowa (PL).
– This is the end of the Festival, but not the end of the collection – says Barbara Sroka from the City Culture Institute in Gdańsk, Poland. The last opening parade with live music took place on July 8.