taged with ironmould
Permanent Exhibition is the latest public art work created by the collaboration between Ironmould and Gods in Love, in the Ferrandina Scalo-Matera railway station, in south of Italy, for the Matera 2019 Foundation.
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Genuine, expressive, public, illegal but temporary. This is what Comacchio felt like in 2005, when Blu and Ericailcane, covered the “Small Venice” with their colors. Now, after 13 years, the municipal administration and Riccardo Buonafede, a local urban artist, officially publishes the Manufactory Festival.
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“Spaceablandscape” is the last mural completed for the second act of “Urban Area – A Scena Aperta” 2016 in Ostia (Rome) curated by Mirko Pierri of “a.DNA project” association.
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