taged with 3D
After his last intervention in the U.S., Peeta comes back in Italy through a big piece situated in a focusing point in the city of Montesilvano (PE). “Tricks of perception” has been painted in the last few days in one of the iconic places of the city.
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Long-awaited 3D Art Festival Dubai Canvas 2017 is starting today at City Walk. During the week 25 artists from different countries were preparing their works for the festival. Finally, all works are ready. Street artist Dima FATUM, representing Ukraine, made the final touches of his painting “International peace is absolute happiness”.
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Bizarre Magazine invites the talented Greek artist Insane51 to create an amazing wall in Barcelona.
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This is the latest Anamorphic art we received from Ono’u street art festival in Tahiti. The 3d streetpainting was made at the lookout of the Gare Maritime by Leon Keer, (one of our favourite artists in his style) who has been working on 3D chalk art since 2007.
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This anamorphic painting was made at the 3d streetpaintingfestival in Bulgaria this weekend by talented Leon Keer. Little Snow White is captured inside a storage room and is a metaphor for the loss of your inner child. Interaction is there to restore this lost value of life.
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Truly Design team has painted a big anamorphic piece at Vans and The North Face headquarters in Switzerland last month. Located inside the company building, it is a piece of art that will blow your mind.
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3D street artist Leon Keer has sent us his latest anamorphic painting made in Valetta at the Malta streetart festival last weekend. Gummy bears gather around their just deceased green friend.
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Truly Design crew, a team of extra skilled artists have just completed a new 3 dimentional artwork to blow our minds away. This time it is Zeus (Dias), the god of gods. The Streetart exhibition, organized by Spacejunk.tv, after having hosted Medusa and Pegasus in Paris, was moved to Mulhouse, at the EDF Electropolis Museum.
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3d graffiti artist Odeith has struck again with another little masterpiece! Combining his graffiti style with 3 dimensional illusion effect, this wall demonstrates how he manages to fool the eye.
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