taged with Luca Ledda
Italian artist Luca Ledda recently went to Bosnia Herzegovina, invited by the Mostar Street Art Festival. His surreal artwork represents a mystical interpretation of the human mind and its connection with the universe!!!
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Luca Ledda recently finished his project titled “Latinta Mural” while passing through Brazil. It was an art residency developed inside the favelas of “Serra Dourada” and “Inhanguetà” in the city of Vitoria (Espirito Santo). The goal of the project was to envolve the people of the district to approach the world of art in fifferent […]
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Our friend Luca Ledda presents his latest work in Ussana, Sardinia.
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Take a look at the new wall of Luca Ledda for the IBUG festival 2016 (Germany). Among many works that were created this one stands out ! IBUG festival took place from 26-28 August.
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Luca Ledd recently made a fine new wall in Bosnia for the street art festival of Mostar. The title of the work is “The Dreamers” and it is on wall 4 m high and 6 m long. This year was the fifth anniversary of the festival Mostar in Bosnia/Herzegovina.
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Luca Ledda has shown us his latest project in Palermo!! This wall, 8 meters long and 4m high, is inside an occupated theatre, named TMO. (Teatro Mediterraneo Occupato) The theme of the project was about the strong roots these people have for their culture.
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Here is the last wall by artist Luca Ledda for the french project Le M.U.R. in Mulhouse.
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