taged with Belfast
Renowned international and local artists have left their mark on Belfast with over 50 new murals now adorning walls across the city as part of the 2022 ‘Hit the North’ Street Art Festival, supported by Hennessy.
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Full Colour is an independent documentary by Dublin native Harry Moylan. It explores the street art communities of Belfast and Dublin, asking questions about art, politics, culture, gender and identity in Ireland.
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In early September Alice Pasquini visited Stavanger, Norway for the Nuart Festival, where she painted a piece at the main bus terminal. Over the course of the festival she also left a few small pieces scattered around the Norwegian town.
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The English Artist Leo Boyd presented his latest piece, a vertical screen printing, for the festival Hit the North on the city of Belfast.
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International artist, MTO was in Belfast recently attending the “Hit the north”, Culture night and created this inspirational mural as a way of passing his message to the local community. Titled as ”The son of Protagoras”, MTO, brings some indirect mythology to offer his position on human conflict. A true masterpiece !
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