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Vincent Huibers paints for HollAndMe in Turin 2021-10-12

Vincent Huibers paints for HollAndMe in Turin

October saw the end of the fourth stage of HollAndMe – Dutch Street Art In Six Italian Cities, the journey of Dutch urban creativity in Italy, itself a part of the (S)punti di Vista wider cultural programme by the Embassy and Consulate General of the Netherlands in Italy in partnership with INWARD – National Observatory on Urban Creativity and in cooperation with a number of Italian UCAS – Urban Creativity Associations, Here, from October 4th to 10th, the Il Cerchio e Le Gocce UCA welcomed the lettering of the internationally renowned Dutch graffiti artist Vincent Huibers.

The artist and the association are linked not only by friendship and mutual esteem, but also by a vibrant, long-standing artistic connection: both of them are active and respectful protagonists of the world of Urban Art; indeed Vincent Huibers and the Il Cerchio E Le Gocce UCA number among the most prolific events (including festivals and jams) organisers in their respective countries; they have been able to enter and master, for some time now, the dynamics and the very essence of a world as varied as it is complex.

And it is precisely by virtue of this interconnection that Il Cerchio e Le Gocce envisioned a curatorial line for their intervention in Turin that would be as compliant as possible not only to the values and style of Vincent Huibers, but also to the intentions of the entire HollAndMe – Dutch Street Art In Six Italian Cities project. As a matter of fact, “Open Minds See No Borders” (this is the title of the work by the artist) was conceived and realised together with the artist on the facade of the EDISU Olimpia University Residence in the Vanchiglia district, a building populated by a particularly heterogeneous and multiethnic student community in the city of Turin, and therefore an ideal place to spread an important and positive message of knowledge, equality and openness towards others, without distinction of gender, ethnicity, age or social standing.

«With HollAndMe we are continuing a path dedicated to urban art that began last year – explained Stefano Musilli, from the Culture Office of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Milan. – The works by the six artists we support with this project will remain as joyful legacies for the communities which decided to host them with enthusiasm, as they are formidable tools for regeneration and aggregation. Vincent Huibers’ mural, with its message of hope, is an example of how art can help break down fences».

Therefore, such a work of art bears the signs of a profound research, based on the composition and deconstruction of letters, as well as the knowledgeable usage of materials, something typical of the artist, who has several application of the dictates of Graffiti Writing in the field of contemporary art under his belt. Thus, each letter in the work of art titled “Open Minds See No Borders” conveys a sense of curiosity, meeting and union of cultures which not only inhabit the same building but also the entire planet and becoming a true symbol of belonging. The choice of materials is anything but random: made with sprays, the work stands out against a greyscale background, the latter made with superwashable outdoor paints. The intention is to send a clear message, in terms of meaning and colour tones, inclusive and stimulating towards openness and dialogue with the whole world.

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