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Udatxo amazing piece for Project 12+1 2018-05-17

Udatxo amazing piece for Project 12+1

Udatxo’s brilliant urban portrait for Proyect 12+1, located at the l’Hospitalet de Llobregat in Barcelona. It is the latest project organised by the Contorno Urbano Foundation. 

Udane Juaristi (Udatxo)
Udane Juaristi (Udatxo) has a degree in Fine Arts in Bilbao and in Paris (Superior National School of Fine Arts).
Since finishing the race, she participated in several exhibitions in different halls and galleries, as well as in art fairs such as Arteando, Donostiartean, Inidia Art Fair, etc. She made several murals in private and public spaces, and painted live in several events. She was awarded in art competitions like Goiart.

Udane Juaristi has always been interested in urban issues. She started painting bicycles, trams, old cars and urban scenes. Currently she is particularly interested in painting characters in urban scenes. She seeks to reflect the movement of each character, painting with loose stroke of bright colors.

The artist usually works with mixed technique to achieve textures, she is interested in reflecting in the work the different layers and the effects so that each material is noticed and that the color has light and prominence..

Llum y color
In this new artistic stage, Udane Juaristi’s main point of interest is the people she meets on the street, like this unknown guy walking on a sunny day. It is an urban portrait and a daily scene where light and color are the protagonists, a work where the face of the character and backpack stand out most strongly.

Project 12+1:
12+1 is a proposal put forward by Contorno Urbano:
12 artists, 12 months, one 50 square metre wall, one artistic intervention per month and one final exhibition, presenting each of the artists’ unique work. 12+1 is an open-air art gallery, one which changes each month.
A unique vision which problematizes the way we exhibit urban art, and the place of these artworks in the city.
The project aims to create a space for open dialogue in the city with the highest population density in Europe, in an area which sees over 7000 passers-by each day.
You can find the wall at Calle Rosalía de Castro, just opposite to the L1 metro exit for Torrassa, in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.

Artists selected for “12+1” 2018:
Zurik, Joan Cabrer, Udane, Alva Moca, Sue 975, Etnik, Perrine Honoré, Xav, Dan Ferrer, Lily Brik, Sepe, Medianeras Murales.

Contorno Urbano:
Contorno Urbano is the first Foundation in Spain to be fully dedicated to street art and graffiti. The team has over 10 years’ experience in murals and urban art dissemination, as well as having worked on international projects.
IG: @contorno_urbano
Twitter: @contorno_urbano
Facebook: @contornourbano
Vimeo: Contorno Urbano

Fantastic piece Udane Juaristi (Udatxo)!!


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