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TelmoMiel New mural in Saint-Denis, France 2018-07-24

TelmoMiel New mural in Saint-Denis, France

Telmo Miel artist duet recently were in France, near Paris to paint a mural for ‘Street Art Avenue Grand Paris’.  It was nice project in the outskirts of Paris where the organizers tried to create a street gallery, with murals located next to ‘Canal Saint-Denis’. This creates a special way to view the gallery;  from the Canal in a boat, which is how they organized the tours this year as well.

”We were asked to paint something in our own style with a reference to ‘water’. And so we
forged a design with our collage-technique, creating an ‘abstractified’ portrait with recognizable
parts that needed to be clear. The fish was one of those ‘clearer’ areas. Also the face of the woman
holding wet flowers. She tries to offer the fish this gift with good intend, though the fish has no
need or purpose for it.”

”Comparable to a street painter giving color to an area where the inhabitants usually didn’t even ask
for it. Paintings we make aren’t loved by all, and some don’t see the need. This of course is understandable,
it’s nothing more then logical. Though we still hope that with all the efforts we make to bring color in
grey areas, even those people will eventually feel the positive influence that a bit of color has.”

Title of the mural: ‘Like giving flowers to a fish’.

”One of the people walking bye in Saint-Denis had a perfect sentence for this: ‘I don’t understand it, but i
still enjoy it!’ ”

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