You may consider a modest donation — however much you can afford, when it comes from the heart, it’s the kind of gesture that makes us warm with appreciation.
This is the new wall of INTI thats was recently created in Arica, Chile. Titled: “PACHAKUTI” (Quechua), it represents the return to a cycle’s starting point.
“RANDOM” , a mural by INTI, for the project @backtoschool_china in Tai Ping, Jishou, Hunan Province, CHINA. Since the first astronomy records 4000 years ago in China, until today with modern mathematics, we are observing the universe attempting to decipher the cosmic “order” that rules us,
The complete three walls series are ready and they are titled : ”. INTI’s latest series, where the female image stands as an icon of creation and protection that crosses all cultures, regardless of any religious context.
INTI ‘s latest mural was made for the project StreetArt13; Galerie Itinerrance, at the 13en district in Paris. La Madre Secular II its a lay representation of the Madonna, where the sacred remains outside the religious context,
Street artist INTI has finished his latest piece – La Madre Secular – in collaboration with the Galerie Saint Laurent, at the classic and crowded Marche aux Puces.
INTI has presented his new piece ”Codo a Codo, en la calle somos mucho mas que dos”. Inspired from Mario Benedetti’s poem Te Quiero and based on Lewis Hine images, who registered working children in the USA during the Great Depression in the 30’s.
Looking back at the ”No Limit” Street Art Festival, one can say that a small miracle took place in Sweden, this September. All the paint that was used those 4 days is now dried deep into the walls of the buildings in Boras.
“HAND LABOR’ is the new of last wall by Inti in Now Limit Street Art. No Limit is an outdoor art event inviting artists from around the world to participate in turning public spaces into an outdoor exhibition. The event is about all kinds of street art, from large scale murals to street art sculptures […]
A new set of walls caught our attention and it is a selection from a new wall “EXODUS 2” done by INTI and artist LRM (Chile) for the Festival Les Escales at Saint Nazaire, FRANCE.