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Lapiz piece in Munich for project Z Common Ground 2019-05-31

Lapiz piece in Munich for project Z Common Ground

Lapiz explains: “Last week I spent painting at a very special project in Munich: Z COMMON GROUND in Laim (Zschokkestrasse 36). The playground is an old office building that will be torn down in a few months but before it is going to host one of the greatest art shows Munich has seen in a while – a mixture of graffiti/street art, performance, theater, fine arts and much more. The curation team includes German graffiti legend Loomit who specifically invited me to paint ‘WATER’. This motive is very close to my heart and I had looked for an opportunity where it can get the attention it deserves.

I also took the opportunity and painted many more stencils inside the building as well as some small installations here and there, have a look for them when Z COMMON GROUND opens its doors today (April 30th) at 7 pm and during the next month it is open.”

Great pieces Lapiz!!!


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