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LAPIZ – Life in Time of Corona 2020-03-23

LAPIZ – Life in Time of Corona

The intervention “Life in Time of Corona” is Lapiz’s attempt to fight the feeling of isolation and loneliness. For most of us the time of self-isolation, quarantine, and illness is ahead of us and we have no idea how long this might take. We can stay in contact with loved-ones, family, friends, and almost forgotten acquaintances on the other side of the planet via email, skype or video link. This might also be a great moment of solidarity and empathy, but the minimum safety distance of 5 feet also excludes affection, warmth and closeness.

Lapiz pasted this piece of art in Hamburg’s inner city in front of the entrance of a supermarket, today’s only location for social contacts. But the people hurry on, some of them wearing face masks or way too much toilet paper. All these people return to their flats and houses and stay isolated – alone.

LAPIZ lives in Germany and taught himself to paint in the streets of Dunedin (New Zealand). In Africa he worked on HIV/AIDS, the social injustices there were processed via artistic statements in public places. In Argentina he adopted to paint huge socio-critical stencils. His art needs space, because »if you have something to say you should speak up. This might not result in a smile but at least it will make people think.”

Artist Links: @lapizgraffiti

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