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Huellas del Arte Festival, Venezuela 2016-03-14

Huellas del Arte Festival, Venezuela

Since 2012 Huellas del Arte Street Art Festival, has been doing cultural activities that promote exchange between artists from different countries and promoting the development of urban art as well as the connection between artists and the development of culture in Venezuela . The idea of ​​the Festival is to conduct activities in the communities where the walls are painted with the people who live there thus generating a sense of belonging and thus guaranteeing care and multiplication of urban art in those urbanisms.

Below you can see some of the breath taking murals that have been done in the past.

Map of Murals

Map of Murals

ZUKCLUB desde Rusia en Maracay

ZUKCLUB desde Rusia en Maracay

steep Urbanización Caña de Azucar 2015

steep Urbanización Caña de Azucar 2015

Steep Urb. Caña de Azucar 2015

Steep Urb. Caña de Azucar 2015

Fuga mural in action

Fuga mural in action

Fuga Muralista mural Homenaje al maestro Juvenal Ravelo Maracay 2015

Fuga Muralista mural Homenaje al maestro Juvenal Ravelo Maracay 2015

flix avenida bolivar de Maracay

flix avenida bolivar de Maracay

Aryz in Maracay Venezuela

Aryz in Maracay Venezuela

GUIAS- Steep Avenida 5 de Julio con Avenida Bolivar 2015

GUIAS- Steep Avenida 5 de Julio con Avenida Bolivar 2015

 L7m Brasil en la Avenida Bolivar de Maracay 2015

L7m Brasil en la Avenida Bolivar de Maracay 2015

KozDos Venezuela en el Boulevar de Maracay 2015

KozDos Venezuela en el Boulevar de Maracay 2015

Organised by ”Footprints Art Foundation” that was founded in 2012 in order to link and promote the creative potential of Latino youth, with the maxim that Our North is the South, and our duty to actively participate in cultural movements such as link integrating communications among the countries of our Latin America.

Their goal is to promote ethics, culture and liberating and supportive education, developing as a plan flag Project Latin American Cultural Integration Footprints of Art, which raises amass a culture that strengthens national identity, Latin American and Caribbean in order to link culturally young Venezuelan artists with their counterparts representatives of different Latin American cultures.


Visit the official website here.

Fundación Huellas del Arte

Urbanización La Arboleda, calle Los Sauces Nº5
Maracay Edo. Aragua – Venezuela

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