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Gender equality participation for Proyect 12+1 in Barcelona 2018-01-07

Gender equality participation for Proyect 12+1 in Barcelona

An edition with equality: 2 mixed couples, 4 women and a female collective within the 12 finalists!For the first time in the story of the Project 12+1, this year’s selection will present same number of female artists as male artists,a clear sign of the growth of the open call and its good reception in the artistic world.

Almost 100 artists, some of them from out of Spain, applied to paint the mural in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. Members of the jury had a difficult selection due to the high level of the candidates, who were organized in categories by style: Illustration, Graffiti, Abstraction, Design, Realism and Others,

The selected artists and collectives are:

MIXED COUPLES : Anna i MiquelPouvelle Studio

WOMEN: Paula CalaveraNuloValiente CreationsElara Elvira


MEN: TayoneVictor SolanasAlberto MontesKazziusEl Rughi

Project 12+1:
12+1 is a proposal put forward by Kaligrafics and Contorno Urbano in Sant Feliu de Llobregat: 12 artists, 12
months, one wall, one artistic intervention per month and one final exhibition, presenting each of the artists’
unique work.

12+1 is an open-air art gallery, one which changes each month.

A unique vision which problematizes the way we exhibit urban art, and the place of these artworks in the

Organization founded in 1999, it’s the oldest non-profit dedicated to graffiti and street art in Cataluña, and has one of
the largest experience in Spain.
Kaligrafics transformed the city of Sant Feliu in the city in Barcelona area most filled with urban art .The team has a
great experience in managing medium and big size walls in dozens of cities from the Barcelona area.

Contorno Urbano:
Contorno Urbano is the first Foundation in Spain to be fully dedicated to urban creativity and graffiti. The team has
over 10 years’ experience in murals and urban art dissemination, as well as having worked on international projects.

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