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Embrace your true self with Syuan Yun in Taipei 2019-09-06

Embrace your true self with Syuan Yun in Taipei

Young and energetic, yet smart and mature; these are the most common impression you can have on her. This is our second mural artist Syuan Yun. Aiming to bring street art to the walls and turn this old building “濕地|venue” to a better place, we keep on looking for new artists to join our project. Luckily, before summer ends, we found Syuan Yun.

Designer, illustrator, or translator, Syuan Yun has many different identities, but how can you define a person depending on these tags? When we ask her to introduce herself, she said “A feeler. This word contains the main part of me and also reminds me to open my mind to this world. “

As a female artist, Syuan Yun wants to raise the discussion of women’s sexuality in us through this work:

“People in Taiwan tend to consider women’s sexuality as a complicated and offensive topic that we should not learn and talk too much in public. The discussion of this theme usually focuses on men, rather than women. Such phenomena that origin from misogyny in our society makes us afraid or ignores our bodies and feeling. It not only becomes the oppression of our sexuality but the restriction of our lives and thoughts.

In this work, there are two people touching their bodies comfortably and gently, enjoying themselves and the pleasure from relieving their desire as if there’s no one else but them. Revealing the sexuality of humans, I hope people who saw this work can embrace sexuality and their bodies no matter their genders or ages.

In addition, this work on the wall is like the visible boundary between the reality and the relatively free world. The two people sinking into the wall are the metaphor of those who free themselves, break the frames and rules that built from society and walk into the world on the other side. This new work is meant to encourage and speak to viewers of all identities regardless of their sexuality and gender, and hopefully help them to embrace their true selves.”

People tend to accept and discuss relatively safe and general topics; this mural project gave the artist and our team a chance to challenge people’s perspectives through the female body, sexuality, and lust.

“It’s quite a rare and great opportunity for me to challenge public perception directly through my work. “
said Syuan Yun.

As a creative community, “濕地|venue” support and encourage our artists in every aspect and let them express themselves in all the possible ways. Who will be our next guest?

Credit to 濕地|venue (、Syuan Yun Huang

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