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Completed Festival BAGOUT 2018 in Lioni IT 2018-12-27

Completed Festival BAGOUT 2018 in Lioni IT

Presenting you the latest from the Public Art Festival,  BAGOUT 2018 / 8th edition, in Lioni (AV) (ITALY) which was curated by dall’associazione “ LaPrediletta” and the support of Comune di Lioni AND Comune di Caposele.

With the last workshop curated by DEM artist, the 2018 edition of BAGOUT ended. This year’s theme was “PASSANTI”. The intent was to talk not only about the territory but also about who lives it, who gets there, who leaves it and who crosses it only.

Each artist has made his work reinterpreting it according to his own poetics, the result is another seven drawings that fill our folder.

International and local artists created the artworks included: 

Case_Maclaim //////// 27-07-2018

Dale Grimshaw /////// 05-08-2018

Mohamed Lghacham/ 20-08-2018

Dem////////////////// 03-12-2018

Giovanni Perna // 29-07-2018

Marco Di Filippo/ 05-09-2018

Antonio Sena//// 10-10-2018

Check out the works that were created for this year’s BAGOUT:

Case_Maclaim – “connections” – via palatucci , Lioni

Dale Grimshaw – “EARTH” – via sant’antonio , Lioni


Mohamed Lghacham – “Por Angelo” – via iannaccone, Lioni


Mohamed Lghacham – “sii Fedele fino alla morte”- via aldo moro, Caposele

Giovanni Perna “freedom” – via ofanto, Lioni

Marco Di Filippo “supersantos” – vico III caselle , Lioni

Antonio Sena “nascondino – vico III caselle , Lioni


This year’s novelty was a collaboration with the artist DEM who conducted a workshop on the realization of artistic installations with plant materials. The workshop was attended by 14 young people who together with the artist created four installations “IL TORO”, “L ‘ANTILOPE’, ‘IL MAMMONE’, ‘LA DEA’ which have been placed on the characteristic bonfires of the feast of the Immaculate, symbolically used to conclude this edition of BAGOUT.


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