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Street Art festival in Flekkefjord

Posted: 02/21/2020
Expiring: 10/04/2020
who calls: Frode Johannessen
contact email: [email protected]
location: Flekkefjord, Norway
the prize: Budget: 3000euro (including travel cost)
Street Art festival in Flekkefjord

Flekkefjord is a small town in the south of Norway. 2020 will be the fifth year of this streetart celebration. The festival starts June 6. We expect the artist to arrive the week before (from Monday 1. of June). We will fix accommodation, but the travel costs must be included in the budget (3000 euro).

The theme for this year project is: CHANGE. Only one word. But an interesting word in a world where we think change is important. Please give us your thoughts about this word and what you think of this theme.

Our project is a tower in the middle of our little town. Please look at the pictures. We are open for all techniques and expressions. We need a sketch of your suggested mural.

Practical information:
– Our total budget is 3000 euro. This must include your travel costs.
– We cover materials (painting, spray etc), lift, food and accommodation.
– The work needs to be finished June 5. You must come to Flekkefjord the week before.
– There will be a streetart party Saturday 6. with all the artists.
We will arrange a sales exhibition during the festival, where you can sell your work. Please let us know if this is of interest.

Location on Google maps:,6.6609702,3a,75y,139.08h,91.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3Pjtfmvcn8i_Rj1bSLjYxw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

The two sides shown on the picture (which you can see from the mainroad) is what we want to be decorated. Both sides is approximately 2.5 x 5.4 metres.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for further details.

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