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22 new murals in Belgrade after Festival Rekonstrukcija 2019-09-29

22 new murals in Belgrade after Festival Rekonstrukcija

The second edition of The Art on the Street Festival “Rekonstrukcija” took place in the very heart of Belgrade, Serbia, at the beginning of September. The festival gathered more than 40 artists from Serbia and abroad with the main goal to bring back art to everyday life.

Beside numerous temporary art exhibitions, installations, round tables, workshops, and music events during the festival, Belgrade remains richer with numerous artworks after it. Seven murals are staying in the neighborhoods in the city center and also one monumental 50 meters long wall in the backyard of the oldest primary school in Serbia with 15 new mural and graffiti artworks.

Julieta XLF (ES)

If you are visiting Belgrade, you can see two massive walls in Knez Miletina Street with works of prominent Spanish street artist Julieta XLF and young Serbian realistic painter and muralist Wuper. They were both using a female figure as a main motive, but with a different approach. The result is stunning.

Sebas Velasco(ES) / photo: Igor Svetel

Sebas Velasco star muralist from Spain reacted at the local cultural context with his mural (Senjanin Ive 8 Street) that represents an iconic Yugoslavian car (Yugo) in the surrounding of brutalism architecture typical for the socialist period. Sanja Stojkovic – Tifani Rubi from Croatia put her unique graphic colorful elements on the interesting building in Dobracina 68 Street.

Tifani Rubi / photo: Igor Svetel

The Cozy neighborhood in Mike Alasa Street now has three murals made by the authors from the local scene. Visually gentle illustration poetics riddled with strong social engaged messages, typical for the work of Tijana Tripkovic and Barbara Dimic (Studio “Krishka”), unexpectedly easily coalesced with spontaneous, graphic highly streamlined wall drawing by Super Timor. The third mural was done by Bogdan Djokic – Brva one of the winners of the festival’s competition for young muralists. His charming dog character perfectly fits in this neighborhood.

School backyard: “Kralj Petar I”

mosk (hr) / photo: ognjen rankovic

krishke / photo: ognjen rankovic


Brva / photo: Ognjen Rankovic

Festival “Rekonstrukcija” marked the important anniversary – 20 years from the first graffiti jam in Serbia. On this occasion in the same place (the backyard of the oldest primary school in Serbia “Kralj Petar I”) with a recognizable local project label “United Colors of Belgrade”, Belgrade street art collective “Paint Kartel” joined forces with the festival team which resulted with 15 new mural and graffiti works on the wall long almost 50 meters.

xymo & rule + sub & negre / photo: janko pocuca


weedzor os kralj petar i / photo: ognjen rankovic

The participants were street artists from Serbia, ex-YU region and abroad: Nikola Radojcic – Braca Burazeri & Sub Zero (SR), Petar Popovic – Piros (SR), Akira (SR), Weedzor (SR), Mosk (CRO), Skirl (AU), Das Drogen (SR), Branko Tesevic – Rage (SR), Nikola Mihajlovic (SR), Xymo & Rule (SR), Deroks (SR), Sensi (SR), Deroks (SR), Easy (SR), Japon (ES), and the other winner of the festival’s competition for young muralists – Jobah (SR).

Wuper / photo: Janko Pocuca


julieta xlf (es) / photo: ognjen rankovic

The realization of the festival was supported by the French fund CCFD – Terre Colidaire. Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) supported the participation of Spanish artists in the project through the Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE), in the framework of the Mobility grants.

The Art on the Street Festival “Rekonstrukcija” was also helped with color donations from HGP – Novi Sad, and Montana Colors. Printing of the location branding and exhibitions was supported by Proto and the printing of the promotional materials was a donation of the Vizartis.


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