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Exhibition ‘welcome’ by Isaac Cordal, Gaeta (Italy)

March 15, 2016 to April 17, 2016

Memorie Urbane presents a solo show by Isaac Cordal  Spanish artist whose work involves sculpture and photography in the urban environment. He lives between Brussels and Galicia.

With the simple act of miniaturization and thoughtful placement, Isaac Cordal magically expands the imagination of pedestrians finding his sculptures on the street.

Europen Summit Isaac Cordal iSaac Cordal 2 isaac Cordal


Street Art Place Piaza Traniello, Gaeta Vecchia. Italy

Opening Hours: Saturday 15:30 to 20:00 Sunday 10:30 -13: 00 / 15:00 to 20:00
Possible visits on request by calling +39.349.0567388

Isaac Cordal

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