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Artwalk 2 / Patras Street Art Festival check the website

May 13, 2016 to June 13, 2016

The 2nd edition of the Patras street art Festival ”artwalk” is up and going. The large port city of Patras gets all pumping with street art vibes, and combined with plenty of other cultural events, it promises to shake the foundations of street art scene in Greece. 

From the 13th of May up to the 13 of June, International and Greek Street Artists will create in total 10 murals across the city of Patras under the event of Paradox Mural Festival.

Local citizents will be contributing voluntarily this large scale event which is divided into 3 main Thematic sections:

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  1. Street Files – (Tetradia ton Dromon) 

13 May – 13 June at the Archaeological Museum of Patras

Exhibition themed on graffiti content from the area of Exarchia in Athens, strongly known for its tags and political graffiti. Documentaries will be displayed as well as Pictures.


Artwalk2 Patra

2. Graffiti Art

27 May – 5 June 2016 (On the streets)

Inspired by the dynamics of graffiti as a social artform around the urban environment, artists will hit the streets. Citizents have offered their wall spaces to be taken over by artists. Workshops, conversations will also be included in this part of the festival.


Artwalk2 Patra (1)

3. r2, Architecture meets Art Workshop

13 May – 20 May

This workshop will investigate and propose interventions for the urban environment as a way of encountering unpredictability and experiencing the city through scale. Can this be challenged?

Plenty of speakers will express their experiences as well as their positions within this topic. Architectural proffesors and artists will join in.

The workshop will provide tools in order for students to apply their ideas and create structures.

Official website and Event links:

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