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Isaac Barreda was born in the Peruvian capital of Lima. In this bustling city of more than 11 million inhabitants he has created a tremendously jovial expression through his craft of painting. Drawing inspiration from such influences as spiritual scriptures from diverse cultures which Isaac paints to an urban design.

Having a great interest in the classical hispanic techniques he attended workshops with master practitioners of 16th century Baroque and learnt the application of gold leaf. Observing and practicing this delicate method engendered a new era of creativity within Isaac and complimented his already amalgamated flair.

He also worked on the Pre-Colombian archeological site of Chan Chan on the north western coast of Peru. An intriguing and historically significant city founded in 950 AD by the Chimor Empire who were later conquered and incorporated into the Inca Empire.
At the young age of 19 in the year of 1998 he joined the inaugural Peruvian group of graffiti DMJC.

Thanks to anachronistic techniques and the use of textures and gilt which hint at a divine nature, every picture evokes a different reality.

We can appreciate contemporary techniques which go from impressionism to graffiti, presenting each character with their own unique sentiment. The use of paints in pure color reflect the early 19th century techniques of fauvism as well as the classical study of the light, anatomy and the human figure.

One can note an obvious allusion for multicolored fabrics of the Andes of South America
representative of the popular, cultural and urban inheritance which has created a fusion of our atavistic past and the modern world.

“Powerfully precise with his coloured style Isaac exhibits a salubrious mixture of traditional pictorials incorporated with influences that he inserts into a dreamlike universe, flowing with mystic and shamanic references”.

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